Did you know...

Luiggi penned the Spanish lyric at the end of "I Alone".

Did you know...

16 songs were recorded for West Rd's debut album, "Greatest Hits Vol. 1" Only 12 made the final cut.

Did you know...

Some say the name "West Rd" is symbolic of life's journey hailing back to the days of the pioneers traveling west in search of a better life, but really it's just the name of the street going to Sonje's parents house.

Did you know...

West Rd's drummer Sonje Berg is the only member to be a native to California.

Did you know...

Luiggi's first West Rd practice took place while Sonje was on his honeymoon
- no wonder we got so much done.

Did you know...

The soulful and bluesy West Rd favorite "Roam,"
is both and original tune and a cover song.