Oct 10 , 2006

So here we are, nearing the end of another year and another birthday party for our very own Martin Schlömer. He's decided that, this year, he wants to celebrate at his favorite Santa Monica hang out, McCabe's Bar and Grill. This Novermber 14th, he'll be kicking the night off at 9pm with a short acoustic show, followed by much drinking and singing with all his friends. Foots and LDCP Karaoke will be there (as they are every Tuesday) to help keep the party going and to give everybody there a chance to prove that you do sing better when you're drunk. If you can make it to McCabe's before 9pm you can get yourself an order of their delicious Irish Stew. Mmm mmm good.

June 23, 2006

On June 3, 2006 our very own bassist Luiggi Caicedo tied the knot! A very heart-felt congratulations goes out to Luiggi and Carol, and we're sure their going to have many happy years together. The whole band (and a few fans) were down in Ecuador to celebrate the occasion, and we all had a great time. Martin played at an open mic night and it was all we could do to let the next guy have a turn. (must have been the whiskey). Thanks again to all who made it out to the CD Release party in May. It turned out to be a great success. In fact, we had so much fun, we decided to have another one. On August 5th, at the Washington Park Grille in Denver, CO., we're introducing West Rd's Greatest Hits.

May 2, 2006

The CD is being pressed as we speak (unless of course you're reading this in a week) and the final preparations are being made for the release party on May 13th, 2006. For those of you who haven't gotten the invite, you can check it out here. We're hoping to see all of you there (and we do mean ALL of you) but whether you can make it or not, let us know by shooting an email over to may13rsvp@westrd.com. When you come, be prepared to have a full night of excitement prepared for you by the band and our friends at LDCP Karaoke and Joxer Daly's. The pre-party starts at 7pm and the main event starts at 8. Be sure to get there on time, so you don't miss out on the champagne toast and a few other suprises we've got planned. If you're one of the unfortunate that can't make the party, that's okay. You'll still be able to get a copy at one of our other gigs, and here on the website. Thanks for all your continuing support. --

March 24, 2006

There's a lot of new news on the band front, so here it comes. First and foremost, we are currently putting the finishing touches on the artwork for West Rd's debut album aptly titled, "Greatest Hits Vol. 1" The date for release (and our release party) is set for May 13th, 2006. Whew!!! I don't know about you but we think it's about time. The release party is kicking off where it all started - at Joxer Daly's Irish Pub in Culver City. Our favorite Irish Bar owner (and soon to be City Councilman - Vote for Mehaul!!!) is graciously helping us put together a grand party to last all night, and our friends at LDCP Karaoke are going to be ready with all your favorite West Rd. tunes, so you can come up and sing some of your favorites. (And if you need a few drinks first, they'll all be at happy hour prices). The second big bit of news is the new West Rd. myspace page. If you haven't already discovered it, Myspace just happens to be one of the biggest networking tools on the internet. You can check out our page at http://www.myspace.com/westrd Post a few comments and listen to a few of the tunes from our new album. Last, but not least, be sure to check back soon for more info on our 2nd annual 4th of July beach bash coming soon to a Hermosa Beach near you. --