June 27, 2005

Tonight is our show at the Knitting Factory (see below), but next week is West Rd's 1st annual Independence Day Beach Bash!!! The event starts at 12 noon and we'll have all you can drink Bud Light for $5 as well as freshly grilled burgers and bottled water on sale. The band will be playing at 7pm and you'll be able to see the fireworks from the Redondo Beach Pier at 9pm. Be sure to bring all the necessary beach accessories as well as you're I.D. card if you wish to partake of the beer.

June 6, 2005

Towards the end of this month (June 27th to be exact) West Rd will be performing in the Alterknit Lounge at the Knitting Factory well be selling tickets this Thursday at our Universal Bar 'n Grill show and if you can't make that just email us and we'll make sure you get some. Tickets are $10, but if you get 5 or more we're sellin' 'em for 1/2 off the door price (that's $5 a ticket). So grab some friends, neighbors, and significant (or not so significant) others to see some great live music from yours truly. Glove, Lease, and a Chicken Piece -- The Band

April 21, 2005

We have a couple birthdays this month on the West Rd. Sonje celebrated his on April 2nd down at the beach with a huge bonfire and much happy drinks. Luiggi will have his in a few days on the 25th; we don't know what he has planned but I’m sure it will involve more happy drinks! So wish them a happy birthday when you see them next. To give a quick update on the record, the drum and bass tracks are completed. We are starting to record the guitars and vocals next. The songs are coming out very nicely, and we hope to deliver an awesome album to you all soon. Until then, you can start hearing West Rd live on May 1st. Check out the show dates section for times and location. Everything else you will want to know will be in your next newsletter...so stay tuned. Love, Peace, and a Chicken Grease -- The Band

February 16, 2005

Happy Valentines Day to all you West Rd lovebirds! And for you single people, we hope you celebrated S.A.D. (Singles Awareness Day) in like fashion. Don't worry, if you don't have a valentines, we will be your valentines... just minus the gifts. Ok, enough of the mushiness... In a never-ending quest to de-clutter your inbox, but yet still provide you with all the necessary, and some unnecessary, West Rd information, we have created the West Rd Newsletter. The "Slightly Off the West Rd" publication will be delivered to your inbox around the 1st of every month and will contain information from the band, on the band members, and when you can see us in the future. If you are having any problems with opening or viewing the newsletter, please let us know. It is probably your computers fault, but hey, we do make mistakes too, so it could be us. Anyway, we hope the newsletter quenches your thirst for everything West Rd. Until next time... Love, Peace, and a Chicken Grease -- The Band

January 6, 2005

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and if you celebrate something else, Happy that to you. We hope you had a great 2004 and we wish you the best in 2005! Live long and prosper, and support your favorite band all year round. Until next time... Love, Peace, and a Chicken Grease -- The Band